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to the Future
With this issue, the first of 2005, the editorial board appreciates the past and looks to the future. Judge Mark Davidson, a noted historian in both local and statewide legal circles, has written “Emeline’s Story,” which recounts the history of one woman’s struggle to free herself from slavery in Texas. “Emeline’s Story” is based in part on documents that were salvaged from old, long-forgotten files at the Harris County Courthouse. Thanks to a project spearheaded by District Clerk Charles Bacarisse, historically significant documents are avoiding the trash heap and are being preserved for future generations. In a short article, Mr. Bacarisse discusses this project and its objectives.
The January-February issue also includes two substantive articles. First, Shawn Bates and David Hricik offer “Arbitration Clauses for Ongoing Relationships.” The article discusses the relevant temporal issues that should be addressed when parties negotiate and/or draft arbitration clauses during an ongoing business relationship.
In addition, attorneys Joel Androphy and Marc Correro have written a highly informative article on federal qui tam litigation. The article examines the process of evaluating a potential qui tam action. It also discusses the public disclosure, original source, and related issues involved in qui tam litigation, as well as the mechanisms for preparing and filing a case.
I want to extend my personal thanks to all of the authors that contributed so generously to this issue. And as always, managing editor Tara Shockley has made all of our jobs much, much easier. Best wishes to all of our readers for a wonderful 2005.