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to All That
As this is the last issue of The Houston Lawyer for my term as editor-in-chief, I’m left wondering where the bar year went. And as I get older, I find myself frequently astounded at the quick passage of time, and wondering where all of it goes. I’m in the same place now.
It’s been a wonderful bar year under the ambitious and astute leadership of Rocky Robinson. He brought a fresh voice and innovative ideas to the bar, as well as new special issues for the HBA members. This issue, which celebrates the many generous volunteers of the HBA, is no different.
Former editor-in-chief (and fellow Class of ‘95 South Texas graduate) Ruthie Piller filled in as guest editor and has done a first-class job. She spearheaded the work on the volunteer vignettes, and secured articles on current volunteer activities in the HBA, including the Juvenile Justice Mock Trial Program and the Trash Bash. Thanks for your excellent work, Ruthie.
In addition, I must thank those people who made my work as editor-in-chief so very gratifying and rewarding. First and foremost, there are HBA executive director Kay Sim, and managing editor of The Houston Lawyer, Tara Shockley. These two women work so hard for all of us. Over the years, they’ve consistently shown their dedication to the bar, and have made all of our professional lives easier. The HBA would not be the thriving bar association that it is without these two women.
But the HBA also requires an effective leader. Rocky has been that kind of leader. He’s paved the way for us all with new ideas, and has left the reins in the very capable hands of incoming HBA president, Randy Sorrels. As much as I’d like to be leading The Houston Lawyer during the next bar year, I’m also very much looking forward to seeing the new editor, Brad Allen, bring a fresh perspective to the magazine and working with him in the future. Congratulations to Randy and Brad – you both deserve the recognition of your peers.
Thanks to all of you for your input, articles and interest. Best wishes to you all.