Checklists for Adoptions
The November-December 2004 issue of The Houston Lawyer was devoted to articles on adoption, both legal issues and the personal perspectives of law-yers whose lives have been touched in some way by adoption. In fact, adoption was a focus of 2004-2005 HBA President, Rocky Robinson, who is himself the father of two adopted daughters.
Last summer, the HBA hosted a luncheon for representatives from adoption agencies, the Department of Family and Protective Services, family court judges and attorneys who handle adoptions. The luncheon provided the opportunity for a productive exchange of ideas on how the HBA could best provide services and assistance to adoption agencies and families. One idea was the creation of adoption checklists for agencies and attorneys. Robinson enlisted the help of the courts and private attorneys to develop these helpful lists, which were distributed to adoption agencies, courts and practitioners. They are also available on the HBA Web site, www.hba.org, and through the HBA office.
Checklist for Private Adoptions
A Checklist for D.F.P.S. Adoptions